There are various reports provided by our electronic payment acceptance provider which can be downloaded on-demand through the Wells Fargo Payment Gateway (WFPG) Enterprise Business Center web portal or extracted programmatically through a reporting API. Information about the various reports can be found below as well as through the Reporting Developer Guide found here:
Payment Batch Detail (PBD) Report
This report contains information about card and e-check transactions processed by the 9pm card cut-off and the 5pm e-check cut-off for a prior day. The PBD should be used to reconcile bank deposit activity for a given day and is available in XML or CSV format at each individual gateway level. Refer to page 35 of the Reporting Developer Guide for XML or page 143 for CSV.

Payment Events Report (PER)
This report contains information for e-checks after a transaction is sent to the payment processor. The PER should be used to reconcile e-check returns, such as for insufficient funds, invalid accounts, etc. and is available in XML or CSV format at each individual gateway level. Refer to page 40 of the Reporting Developer Guide for XML or page 146 for CSV.

Transaction Detail Report (TDR)
This report contains 24-hour (12am – 11:59:59pm PT) detailed transactional information for cards and e-checks for a prior day. The TDR is available in either XML or CSV format at each individual gateway level and the reporting developer guide can be found on the Training & Documents page.
*Note: The sample below does not show every field available on the TDR. Refer to the Guide.

Merchant Account Reports (MARs)
Each Merchant Account Report include high-level summary to transactional detail information during a 24-hour (12am – 11:59:59pm PT) window. Information about the MARs available to the State is found below and through the Merchant Account Report Developer Guide found here:
Each report shown below can be downloaded from the WFPG EBC or programmatically via API at the individual gateway level or at the Single Sign-On (SSO) level, if the agency has multiple gateway IDs.
Payment Activity Summary Report
The Payment Activity Summary Report is a high-level recap of all payments processed for each card type. When downloaded from the WFPG EBC, this report can be exported in XML, CSV, XLS or PDF format. See below for a sample:

Purchase and Refunds Detail Report (PRD)
The PRD report shows transaction-level detail for all payments and refunds processed for a prior day during a 24-hour (12am PT – 11:59:59pm PT) window. Be advised that voided transactions also appear on this report and are only distinguishable by cross-referencing against the voided transactions that appear on the Transaction Detail Report or by performing a Transaction Search in the Wells Fargo Payment Gateway Enterprise Business Center web portal.

Additionally, Wells Fargo Electronic payment acceptance (through a web application called “ClientLine”) provides a multitude of ad-hoc reports that may be generated downloaded or scheduled at varying frequencies. Reports on daily transaction details, transaction summaries, merchant fees, user activity, etc. can be processed by the agency through the web for card transactions. See below for more information.
If an office accepts American Express, access to the American Express Online Merchant Account Management System (OMS) will also be required. Unfortunately, merchant fees for American Express (AMEX) cannot be reconciled using ClientLine because the processor does not collect the fees for this card brand – the merchant fees are debited by AMEX directly. Our office can assist with obtaining access to the AMEX OMS - send your request to