Quinn Dedication Plaque


What is the Memorial Scholarship?

In 2011, the Nevada Legislature unanimously approved and Governor Sandoval signed into law Senate Bill 220, establishing the Kenny C. Guinn Memorial Millennium Scholarship and an accompanying trust fund administered by the Nevada State Treasurer to collect donations in the late Governor's honor. Each year, the trust fund is used to bestow additional scholarships to qualified college students entering their senior year and who are majoring in elementary or secondary education with the intent of teaching in Nevada.  The 2019 Nevada Legislature passed Senate Bill 414, which increased the number of award recipients each year, the amount of the scholarship for each recipient, and revised existing law to allow students from institutions outside of NSHE to qualify for the scholarship. The Kenny C Guinn Memorial Scholarship will now award four scholarships in the amount of $5000 each to two students in northern Nevada and two students in southern Nevada. 
For more information, please see the Memorial Scholarship Requirements.