Electronic Payment Acceptance

The State Treasurer’s Office (STO) has overall responsibility for the administration and oversight of all banking services for state agencies, departments, and/or divisions which include credit card and eCheck (ACH) services. The State maintains a centralized approach for its electronic payment acceptance similar to its banking services. These responsibilities are met through the employment of technology, timely and efficient revenue collection, synergies leveraged through State-wide volumes and a commitment to risk adverse management. In order to maintain compliance to existing vendor contracts and consistency in practice no individual, department, or agency has the authority to enter into an agreement or contract with an electronic payment acceptance acquirer or gateway provider without explicit statutory authority or the approval of the Board of Finance (facilitated via the State Treasurer’s Office).



Accepting payments by credit card and online banking (e-check) are convenient and two of the most recognized methods of payments. If utilized safely, electronic payment acceptance can enhance the revenue stream of your department. Should you choose electronic payment acceptance, you are responsible for the associated risks of fraud and identity theft which could include the following consequences:

  • Damage to reputation for your department and the entire State
  • Fines
  • Card re-issuance fees
  • Costs of notifying victims
  • Remediation Costs
    • External network scanning requirements
    • Network security hardware
    • Mitigation to approved applications

The State Treasurer’s office supports the acceptance of credit card and e-checks in a secure environment and wants departments, divisions, and /or agencies to be as informed as possible about the risks and business processes that support payments. 

Process Overview

The State Treasurer’s Office, Cash Management Division provides a centralized credit card and e-check payment option to all State departments. The Treasurer’s office is responsible for setting up merchant accounts, assisting with equipment purchases, and acts as the single point of contact between the vendor and the State. The State’s credit card processor (merchant acquirer) and gateway vendor allows departments as merchants to accept the following credit cards: 

  • Visa
  • MasterCard 
  • Discover
  • American Express

The State accepts card payments in a variety of methods that incorporates varying degrees of risks. The methods are outlined as follows; 

  • Terminal Processing
  • Software Processing
  • Online Processing

Please note the State does allow political sub-divisions, such as cities and counties to join on to the State’s master electronic payment acceptance contract. Please contact the State Treasurer’s Office for additional information by e-mailing OSTCredit@nevadatreasurer.gov or calling (775) 684-5675.